# Web administration

If you want to make your business successful, you should take advantage of the world of
Internet commerce. B2C Soft LLC has solid expertise in building and maintaining
B2C, B2B and CRM online solutions. Our professional team knows the secret of turning
website visitors into potential buyers by converting Web resource into simple website with
eye-catching design, filled in with interesting and unique information. It can easily lead
visitors straight to the product, service or information needed.
Our e-commerce software products with open source enable us to launch e-commerce rapidly, effectively and cost efficiently. Owing to full service Web administration you will be able to monitor and manage trading process in real time regime. The orders with the help of modern Web browsers proceed to automatically controlled administration section, independently updating all database records and generating the required reports, invoices, other business and financial documentation. Our website has simple and easy-to-use structure and management tools: filling the site with content is originally focused on search engines optimization, easy access and search with the help of various filters; unifying and simple interface enables you to update information quickly and computerizes the process of online purchase/sale of goods and services.
E-commerce: websites development and further maintenance
B2C Soft LLC will help you to develop and set up site quickly, professionally and
in a quality manner. If you have Web resource already developed, our IT experts will help
to conduct optimization, build traffic and execute conversion of visitors into real buyers.
Our developments are characterized by convenient and efficient catalogue browsing of software
products or services, simple order execution and save processing fulfilled by credit card and
other devices. We can integrate after-sales support and marketing utilities to your e-commerce
website as well. Maintenance and further website improvement, operativeness development and
business transactions automatization in your regular work – all these things are available cost
effectively and with high quality. Owing to this product presentation and promotion on the
market by Internet is not viewed today as something difficult, expensive and time-consuming.
Using our developments, experienced programmers and designers will help to create your own catalogue of goods and services without dull and boring product specifications. Having studied extensively the specific nature of your business, we are able to transform your traditional catalogues into efficient e-commerce tool. Employees of B2C Soft LLC have the sufficient qualification and are aware of the latest programming technologies in order to create innovative website for you. SEO experts together with the team of editors and authors being skillfull in unique articles writing will reliably put your site into top leaders of search engines including Google, Bing, Yandex etc. in your sales sector and according to your priority key words. Entrusting to our company all software services and development of e-commerce applications, you will obtain the impressive results satisfying your expectations.
Electronic commerce solutions
Electronic commerce popularity is growing every day: today it is considered to be one of the most perspective directions of online sales organization. Struggling for the leadership on B2C and B2B markets, modern companies are faced inevitably with the necessity of new approaches implementation with the aim of positive consumer experience formation. Under the terms of such economic epoch the above mentioned experience is the most efficient instrument for fight for the client. Surely, high results are achieved owing to development and usage of the newest applications for organization of mobile sales channels, safe RIA addons and Web 2.0 technologies.
The comprehensive E-commerce solution must be compliant with the following criteria: to provide the client with the totality of the most high-demand capabilities, to satisfy the consumer's requirements without any limitations of his/her rights concerning online purchase realization. In this case the system offered by us is viewed as reliable e-commerce platform providing the client with full spectrum of capabilities for goods/services selling. Our product advantage implies immediate formation and checkout of the order as required, perfective maintenance of the commercial transaction. One way or another, you will be one step ahead of your competitors, since you are able to provide the consumer with the unique instrument for convenient purchasing with the help of personal computer or any other mobile device.
Therefore, we offer you high quality services on E-commerce platforms development by working with the following CMS: Magento, Prestashop, OpenCart, Zen-Cart etc.
Distinctive features:
- Goods/services sales management executed concerning wide spectrum of products, in different languages and domains;
- Ability to choose currency, in which you prefer to identify the price;
- Various types of settlement.
Administration section abilities:
- Distribution network management;
- Options to place the unlimited number of goods/services of the Internet shop;
- Statistics;
- Multilingual support;
- Design selection.
- Clients' registration and recording;
- Ability to view the history of the buyer's orders;
- Friendly search interface;
- High level of safety.
- Recognizing different types of payments and systems;
- The function of delivery calculation.
This type of CMS unites carefully the range of the above mentioned functions of OpenCart with the exception of
an ability to choose the system design. With this aim the client can use STS and BTS modules.
The main functions:
- Placement and viewing the customers' testimonials;
- Price calculation according to taxes and discounts available;
- Reflection of goods in stock;
- Products assortment regarding different criteria (price, brand etc.);
- Ability to execute settlement in various ways;
- Module of price recalculating in any world currency.
Zen-Cart is viewed as management system with open source, the main advantage of which is using free of charge. We are speaking about safe and efficient platform serving for consumer audience capture and skilful e-commerce conduct. The system peculiarities cover:
- Availability of the space in order to place the main information on website and the range of goods/services;
- Ability to add the detailed description of product/service;
- Multilingual capability;
- Currency converter;
- Ability to execute settlement in various ways;
- Choice of the type of delivery;
- Providing the capability of customer registration in order to view prices;
- Ability to work with virtual products;
- Electronic mailing maintenance;
- Providing the clients with different discounts and gift certificates;
- Informing on current special offers;
- Ability to perform the certain actions under the goods (addition, removal etc.);
- Regulating pictures parameters and other functions.